Thursday, September 15, 2011

Away We Go

Once the clock its 5:30 today M and I are hitting the road!  As much as I don't want to be away from the Hubby for 3 nights I know we will have a good time.  He is all set up though- clean laundry, clean house, and even a Mexican Chicken casserole awaiting him in the fridge- he just has to throw it in the oven.  I'm looking forward to a road trip with one of my besties, visiting other besties, and holding sweet little 1 month old Macie! M looks like such a big kid in comparison.  I miss those newborn cries.  M's are beyond loud and high pitched and just plain pitiful especially with those big ole alligator tears she now has.  Let's just say they are not nearly has sweet.

To a wonderful, fun and safe weekend!!