Thursday, September 1, 2011

When I Became a Coach's Wife...

When I became a coach's wife I thought most of my fall nights would be be spent alone.  Not that I don't have plenty of friends in Dallas its just that we have all grown up and are doing our own thing nor do we live close enough in this big ole city to drop by on a whim. But now I know God had it all figured out.  When we started looking for houses, nothing ever felt quite right, but since we were on an unbelievable time crunch we actually made an offer on THREE other houses before we found the ONE.  For one reason or another the deal fell through and when we finally found our house and met all of the wonderful people surrounding it we knew why. 

My neighbors are amazing.  They are all wonderful people and we enjoy spending time together.  We actually gather in our yards and talk, we go to dinner together, we have monthly wine nights, and even act like kids while playing in the snow together.  But most importantly we take care of each other.  There have been a few times when neighbors would have something happen in their lives and nobody has hesitated to ask what they can do to help.  Last night Brent had a Wednesday night game, yet I still had to pick NannyLu up from school at 10pm- way past M's bed time.  So it is wonderful to me that not only did one of my neighbors sit at my house so I didn't have to wake M up but they do so happily.

Somebody does fit into a pair of 6-12 month pjs now.  She looks like such a big girl in her 2 piece PJs!

25 weeks.

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