Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We All Fall Down

I'm a bad mommy.  Every other mommy out there has told me it has happened to their kid(s) at one time. But yesterday it happened to us: M rolled off the couch.  The child never rolls around any more and the second I step away she is on the floor- matter of seconds.  I'm beyond upset with myself, but luckily everything seems okay and she was back to her normal, loud, sweet, crazy self within minutes.  To make matters worse I was not in a situation where I could stay home with her for the afternoon.  Being a working mom is the hardest thing ever.  You are constantly torn between the home and work.  Some days you just have to close your eyes and say a little prayer that you are making the right decisions.

Excuse the grainy iPhone picture... but my baby is still too adorable.

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