Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Busy Busy

M and I had a nice long and busy weekend.  I ended up with 2 doctor appointments Friday AM and she ended up with 2 in the PM.  Poor M had 5 shots.  I did tell her doctor that after her last round of immunizations she was not herself for almost 3 days and I was concerned with that reaction, so we decided it would be best to give her a little children's Tylenol beforehand.  Luckily that seemed to do the trick, because besides taking a nice long nap that afternoon she was her happy chirpy self all weekend.  We did have her last follow up on her hips with an xray.  We are feeling blessed that those results came back great! 

M weighed in at: 13.1 only in the 5% so that is a little concerning, but she has always been in the low %.  We will go back in one month from now for her follow up booster to her flu shot and we will do a weight check in the same time. 

This has been a very crazy week for us.  I'm hosting a Sip & See for one of my best friends in Arkansas this weekend, so I've been preparing for our trip away on top of a multitude of random to do's that need to happen this week.  The amount of stuff a 6 month old needs on top of the items I need for the shower will make for a full car.  M and I will be leaving the daddy and the Bella Bear at home all weekend to fend for themselves, so I'm also trying to prepare the house and make dinners so the Hubby wont starve.  We head out tomorrow after work so tonight will be a late night of last minute preparations.

9 Month PJs

M also watched her first Razorback game this weekend! Well mostly she played as we watched...

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