Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our 1st Child

Before M there was Bella.

6 weeks old!

I wanted a puppy so bad.  With the hubby working 6 days a week and long hours during the fall I was lonely and just wanted another living being in the house with me on those late nights.  Of course even better that it was a big dog with a loud scary bark, but very quickly she became our 1st child.  It is all kinds of ridiculous how much we love that dog.  When I got pregnant everyone said Bella would take the back seat and our love for her would go away and be replaced by the baby.  I've learned this is half true.

I never realized how much you could love your babies- I mean I imagined of course, but is definitely a love you do not understand until you have had one.  It's a love that love continues to grow deeper everyday. 

So here is my response to the tiresome "she will be moved to to the bottom of the priority list once M arrives' comment.  Bella is still our1st child- she taught me to be more patient and that taking care of another living being can be hard and tiresome.  However I also learned that it is rewarding.  Bella did not disappear off my radar, however what I thought was the most crazy love for her is over shadowed by the love for M.  I do not love Bella any less since having M I just love M that much more.  My love for her is not lost and I'm sure never will be.  I will say this- I don't know if I will have that same love for future dogs, but all I know is that the day we brought Bella home she became part of us.

I am so lucky that those 2 love the bajeebas out of each other.

They really love each other.

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