Thursday, September 8, 2011

6 Month Birthday

Our baby girl is 1/2 a year old today! I say this every month, but it is crazy how quickly the time goes.  If the next 6 months go by this fast I will have 1 year old on my hands too soon.  M is up to all kinds of exciting things this month:

  • She is taking her passy in and out of her month like a pro.  She picks it up from her mat or lap and will put it back in her mouth.
  • She is rolling everywhere and enjoys being on her tummy.
  • When I put her in bed at night she rolls onto her side and snuggles with her blanket.  However, when I check on her before bed she has scooted her way into the corner of the crib, so that her head rests on the crib bumpers.
  • She has also started rolling on to her belly every morning and somewhat trying to pull up on her crib bumpers.  She thinks this is just great.  I think we might have to move the crib mattress down a setting soon enough.
  • She loves the Bella Bear more and more every day.  She grabbed her by the snout the other day and "kissed" her and before I could say no she had Bella hair all over her slobbery face- it was very sweet.
  • She is loving her stacking cups we bought over the weekend
  • She loves to be outside in this cooler weather and will lay on a quilt with me for hours or ride around in the stroller just taking it all in.
  • She loves to be naked and she loves to lay on her changing pad.  If you place her up there she instantaneously begins to talk, coo and laugh.
The thing I love the most is the amount of love you can see in her face and actions.  It is the most unconditional love and there is nothing quite like it.  It amazes me every day and reminds me that all babies are so vulnerable and 100% rely on their parents.  It breaks my heart to think of children in our world without parents and any children or babies that experience abuse.  If I could I would just take them all in.

We love sweet potatoes!! 

When we found out we were having a girl these were one of the first PJs we bought for our sweet baby girl.  I can't believe she can already fit into 9 month jammies. 

Happy 6 Month Birthday Baby Girl! We love you more than you will ever know!

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