Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Meal Time

Look who is sitting in their highchair!! My girl is so big- everyday something amazes me.

1st time in high chair!

We are trying out new things in our household.  Unfortunately they are not going so well.  I made sweet peas and pears on Sunday and this is one of the expressions I got!  Apparently she really is her mama's baby because so far it's a no go on the veggies, but I promise to keep on trying.  The girl just loves her sweet potatoes!

1st try of Sweat Peas

The doctor wants her to be on 3 solid meals a day by 8 months because of her "low" weight, so I am trying out a new food every 4 days as recommended.  New this week is the sweat peas, and I'll try avocado next.  Yesterday she had her first mixed meal- bananas and oatmeal- for lunch and she loved it so much she had 2 full servings!  So today I tried mixing in her pears with oatmeal and she ate it right up! 

This is all so exciting but at the same time it makes me really appreciate nursing because I know it won't be very long now before nursing comes to an end and I know I will miss it.

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