What a great weekend we had! M's Nama came down for a visit and we had a wonderful time. Saturday we did a little shopping but mostly hung out around the house all weekend. Sadly I got sick over the weekend and spent most of it asleep or on a heating pad. Let's just say it was wonderful to have a mother-in-law there to take care of the baby girl and not to mention she did all of the laundry so I wouldn't have to worry about it. I feel bad for friends and family that dont' get along with their in-laws, because all of mine are pretty amazing and of course a little crazy- which fits me just fine!
Sadly we couldn't watch the Razorback game but that didn't stop us from showing our true colors!
We ended the weekend perfectly- all three of us and the bella dog layed outside on a quilt for at least 2 hours on Sunday just enjoying the weather. M loves to be outside and will just lay there and look around!
Looking forward to a short work week as I am off Friday as well to take M in for her 6 month check up! Where is the time going???
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