Friday, September 30, 2011

It's Homecoming

Tonight is M's very first Longhorn football game! I can't wait to get her all dressed up in school colors- even if my Razorback blood hurts a little to wear the burnt orange, but right now that burnt orange pays my bills so I'll make it through. Haha!   I'm excited to take M to her daddy's homecoming game, because there will be so much excitement.  It is supposed to be nice and cool tonight so hopefully it will be a great night for football and family.  M's Grandpa and Granny are coming into town so that will be a lot of fun as well! 

It has been a hectic week and finding time to sit down and write a post has been difficult.  Hopefully I'll pick right back up next week!


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We All Fall Down

I'm a bad mommy.  Every other mommy out there has told me it has happened to their kid(s) at one time. But yesterday it happened to us: M rolled off the couch.  The child never rolls around any more and the second I step away she is on the floor- matter of seconds.  I'm beyond upset with myself, but luckily everything seems okay and she was back to her normal, loud, sweet, crazy self within minutes.  To make matters worse I was not in a situation where I could stay home with her for the afternoon.  Being a working mom is the hardest thing ever.  You are constantly torn between the home and work.  Some days you just have to close your eyes and say a little prayer that you are making the right decisions.

Excuse the grainy iPhone picture... but my baby is still too adorable.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I Had to Do It

We had a lovely weekend! One of the joys of our house is actually being so close to one of the high school stadiums (unfortunately not the Hubby's) and on Friday nights M and I will grab a blanket and go sit outside in the front lawn and just listen to the cheers and band playing.  There is something so relaxing about it.

And I just had to do it- we could not resist doing a little fall decorating.

The fall mantel in the works- Goodbye sand and shells!

On our weekly grocery trip we decided we would let M try sitting up in the cart and she did pretty good and seemed to really enjoy not being in her car seat.  Not to mention how much I enjoyed having the whole cart for groceries once again.

M also tried Avacado last night and it was not a success.  She strongly disliked it.  I think she was punishing us last night for her new food because it was by far the worst night we have had with her.  She was up at 11, 12:30 (when we brought her into bed with us), 1, 3, 6, and 7:30- tired does not begin to explain how we are feeling today.  I'm thinking she must be doing a lot of growing because she nursed with every awakening.  I keep thinking she is sooooo big until I see this:

As a side note, I can not get over how beautiful these roses turned out!  Possibly the most beautiful dozen roses I have ever received- and to think these are $10 from Kroger.  Quantity does not equal quality.

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Here

I no longer have to feel guilty for wanting to decorate the house in fall decor and candles, because today is the very first day of the Fall Season!!! My absolute favorite time of the year.  The hubby got down my box of decor from the attic and M and I will be doing a little bit of shopping for some more things.  There is something about it being her first Holidays that just make it that much more special.  I just get giddy thinking about how we will decorate and celebrate her first Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!

This week was full, but so wonderful- I'm trying so hard to just take in every moment with her and really enjoy it!  Our week in iPhone Pics!

All of our babies playing together.

Desperately trying to sit up like the big kids.

I'm waiting patiently, mom! Now feed me!

Play date with one of her boyfriends.
Helping daddy decide what to order.

One day we will sit up all by ourselves!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

From A to Z

Fun Facts about moi.  I get these all of the time in my email and some times I fill them out and others I don't, but when I was cleaning out the office to start designing M's nursery I came across a ton of passed notes and quizes we did in JR High and High School and got a good laugh, so I thought what the heck maybe I will look back at this one in 10 years and laugh as well.

A. Age: 26- but not for too much longer....

B. Bed size: Queen. Between the puppy and the baby we could really use a King.

C. Chore you dislike: Dusting

D. Dogs: Chocolate Lab- Bella Bear

E. Essential start to your day: My Iced Coffee!!

F. Favorite color: Pink

G. Gold or silver: Depends- Silver jewelry but both for decor

H. Height: 5′ 4"

I. Instruments you play(ed): None

J. Job title: Wife, Mom, Account Executive

K. Kids: Madison, 6 Months!!

L. Live for ______: My Family

M. Most embarrassing moment: While working at a department store in college I was carrying a large box of inventory when my heel got stuck in my pants. I ended up pulling down my pants while falling down... needless to say I'm so grateful nobody was around- still wondering about the security cameras though

N. Nicknames: Caro, Wifey- I'm sure there are many more

O. Overnight hospital stays: 6 months ago for Baby Madison

P. Pet peeves: Clutter

Q. Quote from a movie: "when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."- Harry Met Sally

R: Rule Follower: Always

S. Siblings: 2 Younger Brothers and 2 Younger Sisters

T. Time you wake up: Madison gets to decide that every morning

U. University attended: University of Arkansas! Woo Pig Sooiee

V. Vegetables: No Thanks!

W. What makes you run late: M- that is a hard one to come to accept- I HATE being late

X. X-rays you’ve had: I broke my nose and part of my face playing intramural softball in college at 1 in the morning after I was promised a million times I wouldn't have to play

Y. Yummy food you make: I have a few favorite dishes- lemon pepper chicken, cake balls, but I think chicken spaghetti is probably the most commonly requested

Z. Zoo animal favorites: Polar Bears and Fish

So glad tomorrow is my Friday and tonight is Supper Club and Grey's Anatomy premier with some of my amazing besties!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our 1st Child

Before M there was Bella.

6 weeks old!

I wanted a puppy so bad.  With the hubby working 6 days a week and long hours during the fall I was lonely and just wanted another living being in the house with me on those late nights.  Of course even better that it was a big dog with a loud scary bark, but very quickly she became our 1st child.  It is all kinds of ridiculous how much we love that dog.  When I got pregnant everyone said Bella would take the back seat and our love for her would go away and be replaced by the baby.  I've learned this is half true.

I never realized how much you could love your babies- I mean I imagined of course, but is definitely a love you do not understand until you have had one.  It's a love that love continues to grow deeper everyday. 

So here is my response to the tiresome "she will be moved to to the bottom of the priority list once M arrives' comment.  Bella is still our1st child- she taught me to be more patient and that taking care of another living being can be hard and tiresome.  However I also learned that it is rewarding.  Bella did not disappear off my radar, however what I thought was the most crazy love for her is over shadowed by the love for M.  I do not love Bella any less since having M I just love M that much more.  My love for her is not lost and I'm sure never will be.  I will say this- I don't know if I will have that same love for future dogs, but all I know is that the day we brought Bella home she became part of us.

I am so lucky that those 2 love the bajeebas out of each other.

They really love each other.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Meal Time

Look who is sitting in their highchair!! My girl is so big- everyday something amazes me.

1st time in high chair!

We are trying out new things in our household.  Unfortunately they are not going so well.  I made sweet peas and pears on Sunday and this is one of the expressions I got!  Apparently she really is her mama's baby because so far it's a no go on the veggies, but I promise to keep on trying.  The girl just loves her sweet potatoes!

1st try of Sweat Peas

The doctor wants her to be on 3 solid meals a day by 8 months because of her "low" weight, so I am trying out a new food every 4 days as recommended.  New this week is the sweat peas, and I'll try avocado next.  Yesterday she had her first mixed meal- bananas and oatmeal- for lunch and she loved it so much she had 2 full servings!  So today I tried mixing in her pears with oatmeal and she ate it right up! 

This is all so exciting but at the same time it makes me really appreciate nursing because I know it won't be very long now before nursing comes to an end and I know I will miss it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh What a Trip

What a wild trip M and I had over the weekend.  We left out Thursday night with one of my besties and her son and what we thought would be smooth sailing was not.  We figured leaving out at night would be best for both kids and they would sleep peacefully the whole way.  We were wrong.  After 2 of the 5 hours, her poor baby lost it.  He was tired and wanted to be held and ready to be in his bed.  We both felt so bad for him, but we trekked on. I don't know how but M miraculously slept through it- except for one evil look she gave him at one point.  It was kind of funny.

Our stay was great.  We got to spend time with our awesome friends and the party was a big success.  I made all of the food and it was all devoured pretty quickly!  I especially love how I served the fruit at this shower!

M was dressed and ready for our big party.  She loved being around all the other little ones.  She would just stare and watch!

By Sunday M and I were both ready to get home, so we headed home around  8 in the morning.  NOT a good idea.  Apparently M travels best at night, because this was not an easy  trip.  She started out great but after an hour she lost it.  Let's just put it this way- I am not taking her on any road trips in the foreseeable future.  She screamed and screamed.  I felt so bad because there was nothing I could do.  I fed her a bottle as I drove- not recommended; stopped in the middle of nowhere just to hold her for a minute, and again another hour later. By hour 4 I just kept driving- I knew there was nothing I could do besides just get home. The child does not cry her self to sleep- she can cry and scream forever!!!
The second I pulled into our driveway and got her out of the car seat she was all smiles for the rest of the day.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Away We Go

Once the clock its 5:30 today M and I are hitting the road!  As much as I don't want to be away from the Hubby for 3 nights I know we will have a good time.  He is all set up though- clean laundry, clean house, and even a Mexican Chicken casserole awaiting him in the fridge- he just has to throw it in the oven.  I'm looking forward to a road trip with one of my besties, visiting other besties, and holding sweet little 1 month old Macie! M looks like such a big kid in comparison.  I miss those newborn cries.  M's are beyond loud and high pitched and just plain pitiful especially with those big ole alligator tears she now has.  Let's just say they are not nearly has sweet.

To a wonderful, fun and safe weekend!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Busy Busy

M and I had a nice long and busy weekend.  I ended up with 2 doctor appointments Friday AM and she ended up with 2 in the PM.  Poor M had 5 shots.  I did tell her doctor that after her last round of immunizations she was not herself for almost 3 days and I was concerned with that reaction, so we decided it would be best to give her a little children's Tylenol beforehand.  Luckily that seemed to do the trick, because besides taking a nice long nap that afternoon she was her happy chirpy self all weekend.  We did have her last follow up on her hips with an xray.  We are feeling blessed that those results came back great! 

M weighed in at: 13.1 only in the 5% so that is a little concerning, but she has always been in the low %.  We will go back in one month from now for her follow up booster to her flu shot and we will do a weight check in the same time. 

This has been a very crazy week for us.  I'm hosting a Sip & See for one of my best friends in Arkansas this weekend, so I've been preparing for our trip away on top of a multitude of random to do's that need to happen this week.  The amount of stuff a 6 month old needs on top of the items I need for the shower will make for a full car.  M and I will be leaving the daddy and the Bella Bear at home all weekend to fend for themselves, so I'm also trying to prepare the house and make dinners so the Hubby wont starve.  We head out tomorrow after work so tonight will be a late night of last minute preparations.

9 Month PJs

M also watched her first Razorback game this weekend! Well mostly she played as we watched...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

6 Month Birthday

Our baby girl is 1/2 a year old today! I say this every month, but it is crazy how quickly the time goes.  If the next 6 months go by this fast I will have 1 year old on my hands too soon.  M is up to all kinds of exciting things this month:

  • She is taking her passy in and out of her month like a pro.  She picks it up from her mat or lap and will put it back in her mouth.
  • She is rolling everywhere and enjoys being on her tummy.
  • When I put her in bed at night she rolls onto her side and snuggles with her blanket.  However, when I check on her before bed she has scooted her way into the corner of the crib, so that her head rests on the crib bumpers.
  • She has also started rolling on to her belly every morning and somewhat trying to pull up on her crib bumpers.  She thinks this is just great.  I think we might have to move the crib mattress down a setting soon enough.
  • She loves the Bella Bear more and more every day.  She grabbed her by the snout the other day and "kissed" her and before I could say no she had Bella hair all over her slobbery face- it was very sweet.
  • She is loving her stacking cups we bought over the weekend
  • She loves to be outside in this cooler weather and will lay on a quilt with me for hours or ride around in the stroller just taking it all in.
  • She loves to be naked and she loves to lay on her changing pad.  If you place her up there she instantaneously begins to talk, coo and laugh.
The thing I love the most is the amount of love you can see in her face and actions.  It is the most unconditional love and there is nothing quite like it.  It amazes me every day and reminds me that all babies are so vulnerable and 100% rely on their parents.  It breaks my heart to think of children in our world without parents and any children or babies that experience abuse.  If I could I would just take them all in.

We love sweet potatoes!! 

When we found out we were having a girl these were one of the first PJs we bought for our sweet baby girl.  I can't believe she can already fit into 9 month jammies. 

Happy 6 Month Birthday Baby Girl! We love you more than you will ever know!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's a Start

It's all in baby steps.  Today I came home from work, we ran NannyLu to school and as soon as we got back we got straight into the stroller and went for a walk. I was even really brave and decided to take Bella along with us and surprisingly she did extremely well and walked right beside the stroller.  I think she was just happy to be included.

After I got myself dressed for our walk I realized I must have been in a neon green type of mood as both of us were dressed in bright bottoms.  

Here is to many more fall walks and many more pounds lost.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall is in the Air

Fall is in the air! It is currently 76 degrees in Dallas and I can't complain one little bit! This is absolutely my favorite time of the year.  It makes me want to bust out the fall candles and decor, start a fire, watch some Razorback football, and snuggle up in a sweater.  I'm a little ahead of myself as I'm sure we will reach the high 90s again if not the 100s, but I will enjoy it while it lasts! 

What a great weekend we had! M's Nama came down for a visit and we had a wonderful time.  Saturday we did a little shopping but mostly hung out around the house all weekend.  Sadly I got sick over the weekend and spent most of it asleep or on a heating pad.  Let's just say it was wonderful to have a mother-in-law there to take care of the baby girl and not to mention she did all of the laundry so I wouldn't have to worry about it.  I feel bad for friends and family that dont' get along with their in-laws, because all of mine are pretty amazing and of course a little crazy- which fits me just fine! 

Sadly we couldn't watch the Razorback game but that didn't stop us from showing our true colors!

We ended the weekend perfectly- all three of us and the bella dog layed outside on a quilt for at least 2 hours on Sunday just enjoying the weather.  M loves to be outside and will just lay there and look around!

Looking forward to a short work week as I am off Friday as well to take M in for her 6 month check up! Where is the time going???

Thursday, September 1, 2011

When I Became a Coach's Wife...

When I became a coach's wife I thought most of my fall nights would be be spent alone.  Not that I don't have plenty of friends in Dallas its just that we have all grown up and are doing our own thing nor do we live close enough in this big ole city to drop by on a whim. But now I know God had it all figured out.  When we started looking for houses, nothing ever felt quite right, but since we were on an unbelievable time crunch we actually made an offer on THREE other houses before we found the ONE.  For one reason or another the deal fell through and when we finally found our house and met all of the wonderful people surrounding it we knew why. 

My neighbors are amazing.  They are all wonderful people and we enjoy spending time together.  We actually gather in our yards and talk, we go to dinner together, we have monthly wine nights, and even act like kids while playing in the snow together.  But most importantly we take care of each other.  There have been a few times when neighbors would have something happen in their lives and nobody has hesitated to ask what they can do to help.  Last night Brent had a Wednesday night game, yet I still had to pick NannyLu up from school at 10pm- way past M's bed time.  So it is wonderful to me that not only did one of my neighbors sit at my house so I didn't have to wake M up but they do so happily.

Somebody does fit into a pair of 6-12 month pjs now.  She looks like such a big girl in her 2 piece PJs!

25 weeks.