Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thought Dump

I now understand why there are not many working mom blogs.  As much as I love blogging, it is time consuming.  Thoughts have to be written, pictures edited and uploaded.  So for today, here is a large brain dump of what all is going on in our house lately.

  • M is everywhere, literally.  She crawls so quickly that in the blink of an eye she is in another room.  
  • She is into all of her toys.  
  • M is very into Bella and poor Bella isn't very into M.
  • Last week was the first time the word "No" really came into play in our house.  She kept crawling over to the brick fireplace and the fireplace tools and trying to climb and play.  This is a big no no.  It is dangerous and she has to understand that she can't do it.  Every time she would crawl over there I would say "No" three times and then pull her away and set her down facing the other direction.  On a normal day, she will just move on to another activity, but not the other night.  She would scream and cry so hard, big puppy dog tears rolled down her face.  Several times this happened.  Oh it just made me want to cry.  I do not like this saying "No" thing.
  • I'm exhausted.  By the time M crashes for the night I want to crawl right into bed behind her even if it is only 8.
  • My 2012 resolutions where all financial and legal tasks that have been put off for to long, for example wills, more savings, etc.  This has been exhausting to pull together, but by the time this month is over we will have made huge strides and that makes me happy.
  • I am in full planning mode with M's 1st birthday and for one of my best friend's baby shower.
  • I love party planning!!! I love all the details! 
I am very grateful for this past weekend.  We spent quality time as a family without any agenda and I loved it!

Dear Family- I promise to provide posts this week with lots of pictures and updates of M.  Guess who is trying to walk??

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