Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Madison's 1st Christmas

 All of these firsts have been so sweet.  She was at a really fun age this Christmas and although she didn't understand what was going on I still loved starting new traditions and introducing her to old traditions.  I strongly believe that Christmas morning should always be in our home, where M can jump from bed  and run to her stocking and gifts.  This year was a little different for the hubby and I because we could not go to midnight service since M would never have made it that late.  So Christmas eve we went to the Children's Mass and it was an experience.  Mass was beyond crowded and of course we had to sit in the cry room.  From where we were sitting we could only see a wall and were not able to watch the service only listen and being in the cry room made it very distracting.  After Mass we headed to my parents and had Christmas Eve dinner.

Christmas day, M woke us up bright and early and we headed to see what Santa had left under the tree.

Daddy learned that his Christmas mornings from here on out will be filled with assembling toys.

After opening gifts as a family we packed up and headed over to my parents house to celebrate Christmas with my family.  Madison did not really understand the whole opening gifts thing, however she did learn that if she patted the present she wanted somebody would open it for her.  She did this a lot and now does it to everything, including me.

Mimi and Madison opening her present from them.

I loved this gift and so did M, she plays with it non-stop.  It is the Little People Nativity scene and it is adorable.  I also learned that day that apparently I say "Nativity" very southern and the hubby got a good laugh.- Upon further investigation either pronunciations are correct. Ha!

After opening gifts, we prepared for more family to join us for lunch.  This year we all decided to stay in our PJs all day and to take it easy and just enjoy the time together.  It was so wonderful seeing everyone and by the end of the day we all passed out from the excitement.

Everyone enjoyed playing games.
The hubby bought me a new lens, among other things, and I have been enjoying taking sweet photos of this sweet girl.  Thanks love!

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