Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Moment of Sadness

I am planning M's 1 Year Birthday Party!  How did this happen?

I swear just the other day I was day dreaming of what our life would be like once she made her appearance and now I can't remember what it was like before she was here.  This sweet girl has changed my life forever and although I'm a little sad she will soon be a year old and not my little baby, I only want to keep watching her learn new things and grow.

I have crazy, fun visions for this birthday party.  I know she will not remember this party, but I will.  At let's not kid ourselves, it might be her birthday, but it also marks 1 year of the hubby and I being parents and we survived it! I can't believe it has been almost a year since we first brought her home.

 Only a couple of weeks old.

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