Monday, January 2, 2012

9 Beautiful Months

This post should have been posted almost a month ago!  She has grown so much since I first wrote this post, but I will keep the details as is so I remember what she was really doing when she turned 9 months old.

Madison is now 9 months old.  I can't believe she has officially been with us longer than she was in the belly.  Time is flying and we continue to try and take it all in.

  • M's stats: Her height and head measurements are right were they should be, her weight is low, but she has been a little sick lately.  We have decided to give her 2 bottles of formula a day while I am at the office instead of pumped milk.  Unfortunately she hates it.  I have yet to find a brand or person that she will take it from.  We will keep trying.
  • Poor baby has her first cold and her first ear infection all at the same time
  • In the past week she has had so many firsts- she waves, she can sit up from a laying down position and she plays all over the floor, she even started crawling backwards!!
  • She is sleeping through the night much better now, she still wakes up around 5 am, nurses for a bit and then stays in our bed until it is time to wake up and get ready for work- I cherish those 2 hours of snuggles.
  • She is eating mostly finger foods and loves to feed herself
 These have been the best 9 months of our life and every minute we all get together is full of love and fun.

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