Monday, January 30, 2012

10 Months

This post is yet again way late.  But still, better late than never!  We are so close to being a year old it is kind of freaking me out.  This past month baby girl has been up to everything. This by far has been the most exciting month with her.  So much has changed between 9 months and 10 months.

  • At the beginning of the month, she started crawling.
  • Now she is high speed crawling.  She can be in another room in .2 seconds.
  • At the beginning of the month, she started pulling up.
  • Now she is pulling up and walking around things- not just furniture, walls included.
  • She is into everything- literally.  
  • She is starting to learn the word "No" since we use it a lot now.  Especially because she is drawn to the fireplace.  I'm pretty sure the Hubby and I both said "No" and turned her around, no exaggeration, at least 20 times last night alone.
  • She is very enthusiastic about toys now.  She loves playing with her toys and if you put her down she will be-line it to her toy basket and pull every toy out.
  • She is sleeping much better in the past week, I think this major learning and growth spurt is what was causing a few rough months of sleep.
  • She cut her first tooth, top front tooth, and the one beside it is also starting to come in.
  • M could eat at any point and time.  She loves food and her bottles.
  • Since she is getting close to the 1 year mark we are starting to nurse less, and she is getting more bottles.  She still nurses at least 3 times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • She no longer likes to snuggle with me after her 5am feeding she prefers I put her back in her crib- I'm grateful she made this transition on her own, but also a little sad because I loved that time together
  • She is still sticking to her 3 words of: "ella" (Bella), "lala" or "aura" (Laura) and "dada"
  • She understands who Bella and Laura are and when she says their names it is in response to them or calling for them, for example if Bella barks she yells "ellaaaa"
  • I'm not sure if she understands "dada", she does call the hubby that, but also other adults that she loves, including me
  • She is still in size 3 diapers
  • She loves her blanket and gets very excited when she sees it
  • She still loves "hide the baby" and often initiates the game. 

We didn't take true 10 months photos, but I loved these from the Hubby's soccer game earlier this month.

M and Nama

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