Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Things That Make Me Smile

It is really the small things in life that make me smile and will put me in the best mood for the remainder of the day and/or evening.

  • I love crawling into bed and finding a pacifier under my sheets.
  • I love waking up a clean kitchen and my coffee already made and waiting.
  • I love hearing M wake up and the smile that always greats me when I go to pick her up.
  • I love pulling out the clean laundry and realizing over half of it is teeny tiny outfits.
  • I love getting to work only to find diapers and wipes in my Michael Kors handbag.
  • I love my new day planner and feel rejuvenated in getting organized.
  • I love going home for lunch and seeing baby girl get so excited that she squeels and "hugs" me tight.
  • I love taking care of my family and doing things that make their day.
In this crazy big old world we live in- it's really the small things.  It's so funny to me that I can be in a bad mood or cranky and I'll see her smile and nothing else in the whole world matters at that moment. 

I'm trying to live in the moment during this chapter in our lives.

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