Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Back to Routine

I live and breathe routine.  I'm a scheduler all the way.  I have a notebook in my purse with my "to do lists"and shopping lists, and my outlook calendar synced to my iPhone at all times.  However, in the past two weeks our routine has gone out the window.  It's hard to work all day, take care of a baby all night and then keep a clean house and be ready for the next day.  Let's not even mention finding time for exercise.  My energy level is gone.  God bless single mothers and those whose husbands are away from the home all year round. 

I love the quote:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference between them. "

When baby girl entered into this world things changed.  At first I didn't see these changes, but slowly they appear.  I have to rely on others now and that is something I'm not good at.  My sister keeps M at our house every day, but if she is running a little late, that means I'm running a little late to work and I hate to be late.  But I CAN'T change that at this time.  I just have to be ready to run out the door when she arrives.

For some reason our house is always upside down these days.  She is only 21 weeks old! I can't imagine what it will be like when she is a year old, 3 years old, oh my!  What I pick up every night is there again after work the next day.  I think this may be where I gave up for a bit.  When your energy level is so low the last thing you want to do is pick up a mess that will appear again the next day.  BUT...

I hate starting off my day feeling hurried and disorganized and that is the main issue right now.  I CAN change this.  I'm learning that if I wake up to a messy house my whole day is thrown off tracks and its hard to get back on, so I have to try harder.  I have to stay up a little later and wake up a little earlier.  I have to do this to get done the things that are important to me and make me feel good.  Because I'm learning if I feel good then the whole family feels good!  It's just the season of life we are in right now.

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