Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Friday!

Well it is my Friday! I took tomorrow off of work to help the hubby get his classroom ready for the year and take a much needed 3 day weekend with my baby girl.  This just has me in the best mood ever, of course it helps that M has not woken for a midnight feeding since Monday and that my mom and sister showed up at my door this morning with Starbucks!  Feeling pretty refreshed today!

It's already been a full week so I can only imagine what 3 days with her will bring!

Bella now gives M her own bath after her Oatmeal.  M thinks this is a lot of fun and laughs!

M helped Aunt Liz do some shopping!

We are still loving our bites and now eating from our bumbo seat and not the  chair.

This picture might be the most heartwarming photo.  We have our little routine as a family.  Every night after M gets her bath, we get her into jammies, and I rock her while Brent sits next to us on the floor and reads a goodnight story.  Lately Brent has been working late and not home for this part of the night, and every night M will strain to look backwards looking to find him.  Luckily, tonight Brent was home in time to read her a goodnight story.  The whole time she did not take her eyes off of him and she just had the biggest smiles.  It just warms my  heart to know how much she loves him.

Happy Weekend!

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