Saturday, July 30, 2011

Week in Review

This week has been pure madness.  Getting used to football season and taking care of things mostly alone as had a toll on me.  We have completely been out of our routine this week.  I'm lucky to see Madison every day at lunch but really our time together does not start until I get home from work at 5:40 and sadly this week we have had to nurse quickly and jump in the car and run mad errands every day so our together time has been non-existent.  This of course is not good for her or me.  Last night may have taken the cake and really put a exclamation mark on the week.

Last night was supper club with a couple of my favorite ladies.  It was so great to catch up and just hang out.  Madison loved being with the girls and did not want to go to bed and miss any of the fun so she stayed up pretty late.  Once the girls had left for the night I put Madison down to bed and she was out! However it was only 5 minutes later that there is pounding on our front door.  Brent goes to answer and it is a neighbor that lives on the street behind us, who announces "your backyard is on fire, I've called the fire department!".  Brent goes running outside, grabs the hose and starts watering down our yard and fence.  The transformer behind our house had caught fire and had set the tree limbs surrounding it on fire as well!  With as hot as it has been here in Dallas we were both pretty concerned about the fire spreading quickly or catching our fence on fire with all of the embers falling.  Luckily after about 5-10 minutes the transformer blew and took the fire with it leaving only a few smaller branches burning that Brent put out quickly.  It was gone before the fire department even arrived, which took something like 15-20 minutes!! Glad it wasn't my kitchen! 

I think the best part of the night may have come when I called the electric company to let them know our street was without power.

Me: I need to report a power outage
Operator: What is wrong
Me: A transformer blew and our street is without power, actually the transformer is on fire in our backyard
Operator: Name Please

REALLY! I'm glad that statement didn't catch her off guard or anything! I'm still laughing about that!

However they did have it fixed and power back on within an hour of me calling! So go them!

Just a few pictures to recap our week.

Loving bath time.

MMMM love my fist.

Starting to enjoy tummy time.

Poor baby was out of routine and so tired.

M and NannyLu

Watching a little Cinderella.
[This post should have gone live Friday.  Oops!]

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