Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy 4 Months Baby Girl

July 8th you turned 4 months old! I can't believe it was 4 months ago I first got to hold you!

We had your 4 month check up on Friday and everything is looking good. 
  • Your weight is a little low, but nothing concerning: 11 lbs 5 1//2 ounces (10%) and 23.75" long (25%). 
  • Your personality is really starting to shine!
  • You want to be sitting up always (not on your own though), so you love the bumbo seat.
  • You still hate tummy time, but you are propping yourself up with your arms and lifting that head high. 
  • Any day now and I'm pretty sure you are going to flip from your tummy to your back.
  • Your doctor and us are both a little concerned that you are not batting for toys- but I think all will be okay and one day when something really interests you then you will reach for it
  • You still love bath time and glad to say you are not crying when we get you out anymore!
  • Your doctor told us we can start trying rice cereal with your milk and see how it goes! I'm excited to see you try something new.
  • You have always loved the Bella Bear, but 2 nights ago you actually put your hand over on her head twice!
Sadly you did not handle your shots well at all- cranky, slight fever, and just not your normal, happy go lucky self this weekend- needless to say we did not get to take your 4 month pictures yet; I'm hoping for a happy evening baby and maybe we can go outside for some evening light.  We will also be changing your shot schedule so that you do not get as many at one time again.  I felt awful that you did not feel good.

We love you so much baby girl and are beyond joyful that you joined our happy little family!  You have truly completed our lives.

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