Friday, March 9, 2012

11 Months Old

As usual way late, by a month, but here we go:

  • M is in a size 3 diaper
  • She is so active, always playing and crawling
  • She is understanding her actions a little better and tends to push limits
  • She will eat just about anything, but if she doesn't like it she just throws it over board to Bella who normally is happy to help out
  • She loves family- she smiles really big and starts kicking her legs to get to that person
  • If you are doing an activity with her and you stop, for example Patty Cake, she will grab your hands and clap them together to get you going again
  • Changing her diaper is the hardest activity in the world and the only way to get her to lay still long enough is to let her play with the butt paste tube. 
  • She loves her Minnie and Micky Mouse stuffed animals and will carry them around with her
  • Her spit ups have seemed to come back and that is not fun
  • She is just a happy baby

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