Monday, November 28, 2011

M's 1st Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, so to keep it short and sweet I'll separate our holiday into multiple posts.  This Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for.  Our world has completely changed this year and all for the best.  We had a great1st Thanksgiving with M.  The hubby smoked his first turkey and it was wonderful, we had tons of delicious food and a wonderful time with my family.  Madison tried a few new things at her Thanksgiving meal, turkey and mashed potatoes, and she loved them.

Just a few of the things I'm thankful for this year.
  • A healthy, happy, beautiful baby girl that brings so much joy to my life
  • A husband that loves, supports and stands by me everyday
  • Loving families
  • Wonderful friends
  • A roof over our heads

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

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