Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Golden 8 Month Birthday

Our Sweet, Sweet girl is 8 months old! It's really getting hard for me to accept that fact.  Last night I could have cried thinking about how little she was when we brought her home from the hospital and she slept in her pack n play next to our bed and how I will never get that time back.  I know one day we will have another child and I will get those experiences again, but they will never be with her.  It just reminds me to cherish every day and to live in the moment.

Our M girl is up to the following this past month:

  • Such a love, she hugs and kisses and smiles when we walk in the room
  • She talks and talks and talks
  • She is trying to pull up and its only a matter of time.  Right now, she pulls up to her knees and will hold onto something while kneeling
  • She is trying so hard to get on all fours, I'm sure it will happen soon as well
  • She is still so little, hubby weighed her at home this weekend and she came in at 14lbs, only a small gain since 7 months, but she is active, happy and always full when leaving the table
  • She eats 3 full meals a day, and nurses/bottles 6 times a day
  • She is starting to make chewing motions with her mouth more and more
  • Sleeping has been a real issue this past month.  She has not slept through the night and I am very tired.  She wakes up at least once if not twice a night and then is up for the day by 7. 
We celebrated her first Halloween and in this coming Month we will celebrate her first Thanksgiving.  I love seeing these holidays in her eyes.

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