Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Blues

I have the Sunday blues.  

Every Sunday it hits me like a train.  I had hoped since I was off on Friday and tomorrow things would not be so bad.  I was wrong.  It's Sunday nights that remind me I get to have my dream job on the weekends only, and it's time to go to bed and wake up to my reality- being a working mom.  

Don't get me wrong I'm grateful to have my job, a job I love and enjoy going to, but if I could be anything in the whole world I would be a stay at home mom.  I work because I have to help pay the bills, but let’s be real.  Don't we all?  If we all had unlimited budgets and could do and be whatever we wanted I doubt most of us would choose to work 5 days a week from 8-5.

When M was born I felt this since of fulfillment, as though if I fell off the face of the earth tomorrow, I would go knowing I had done on this earth what I was supposed to do.  So, when I realize that my reality is being away from her 40 hours a week it stings.  She is growing so quickly, and I have missed so much already.  

I feel as though I have reached that part of my life I was always meant to reach.  Maybe it's being the oldest of 5 siblings or maybe it was just built in me from the beginning, but I was meant to be a mommy.  It is as if my life before marriage and M was just filler time.  It was fun and boy do I have some memories, but this is what it was leading up to.  And even though I must leave my home on the weekdays, I have never been happier and more complete than I am now.

So that is my Sunday night rant.

What will I be for Halloween tomorrow?  A stay at home mom! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Father-Daughter Love

Is what this is...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Things to Remember

So many little things are happening with M and I don't want to forget!
  • She has become very affectionate.  She gives big hugs and kisses and this weekend she started tilting her head to the side to rest on my shoulder.
  • She says "dadadadada" all the time.  I'm pretty sure this means we need to  claim "dada" as her first word but I'm not quite ready.  The other morning she started calling "dadadadada" from her crib because she knows that her daddy is the one that gets her out every morning. However this could be a coincidence.
  • She wants mommy and only mommy 98% of the time.  If someone else tries to take her she turns and buries her head into me.  The majority of me really loves it and the other part feels bad for the other party.
  • She is doing this snorting/sniffling thing.  She will lean into you and breathe heavily as if she is trying to sniff up all of your smells.  We think she got it from Bella. It is definitely a puppy trait.
  • The medicine seems to be working and hopefully this means she does not have a milk/soy allergy! Thank goodness as I would have, but did not want to, gone milk/soy free myself.
"We didn't do it"

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Catching Up

Those who say that breastfeeding will make you shed the baby weight are A- lying, B-over exaggerating, C- Just don't know any different or D- very lucky.  I'm one of the ones where the weight is just not shedding off like I expected it to based on all of the information I received from others.  Granted if I had chosen to formula feed I might have wished I had breastfed- you just never know. [side note: the reason I chose to nurse M was not because of this]

I have also learned that stress is not good for weight loss either.  Last week I ate healthy and worked out and actually gained weight.  It's not fun to step on a scale after a hard week of working to find out you have gained back all that you had lost the week before- an no it was not muscle weight!

Terrible iPhone pic, but she was just too darn cute!

Good thing M and Bella love our walks.  The big D got a cold front this week and we had to bundle M up for our nightly walk- she looked pretty sweet in her little hat and blanket.  I have reset my goal of being back at my wedding weight by our birthday in December- completely manageable as long as I actually stick with it. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Weekend with Daddy

M and I had a wonderful weekend with the daddy.  It was so nice to spend 2 whole days together, only 3 more weeks and the football season comes to an end!  M got to experience the State Fair for the first time.  Even though she is too little to enjoy the animals and rides this year she still enjoyed the excitement of it all.

We had such a fun time that I didn't take any fun photos- bad mommy.  However the hubby did get this awesome picture of what happens when you are busy with a 7 month old while getting dressed. You get all the way into the fair before someone decides to point out that your shirt is on inside out.  I would have realized that eventually, right??

I'm hoping this week is not nearly as full and stressful as last week, because I'm ready to get back into routine.  And, all of this stress and madness is not good for my weight loss efforts.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fun Times Ahead

I'm so excited that it is Friday, the hubby's game was last night which means we actually get to see him tonight and we get him all day tomorrow!  We are taking M to the fair with some of our favorite people and can't wait to spend some quality time together, not to mention eat some delicious fried foods!

This week was madness, so I'm glad to have some family down time.

At Granny's Birthday Lunch

M's Doctor Visit.- She might just get a bunch of tissue paper for Christmas.

Our daily outside time.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

7 Month Birthday

What a week this has been!! I've barely had 10 minutes to myself let alone time to sit and document our life this week.

Our little pumkin baby turned 7 months old this past Saturday, the same day as my Granny's 75th birthday! We had a wonderful laid back weekend and the Hubby even got home by 3 this past Saturday.  It was a little miracle!  M is up to so many things lately and her personality is really shining bright!

  • She no longer needs to be rocked to sleep for naps or bedtime.  This makes me a little sad, sometimes I'll try and she will just fuss until I lay her down in her crib.
  • She has been a little clingy lately and not playing well alone
  • She is in Size 2 diapers and mostly 9 month clothing, still some 6 month
  • She has tried all kinds of fruits and vegetables now, but she still loves her Sweet Potatoes
  • She devoured some Puffs this weekend
  • She is sitting all by herself, but when she is done she just falls over- not gracefully
  • She is making this hilarious noise that I am desperately trying to get on camera, but she stops as soon as I turn it on.  She will wrinkle up her nose and make these grunting noises.  I die laughing every time. 
  • She also will bury her mouth and nose into your shoulder and breathe deeply until I think she can't breathe anymore- I like to think that she is just taking me in after a long day away from each other.

Some 7 month pictures.  I wasn't even going to get the camera out because she had been so fussy, but once I did she perked right up and started smiling.  I'm in big trouble.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Week in Pictures

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that." - J.K. Rowling

Today I am thanking God that the week went by fairly weekly.  I've been a little emotional this week (not outwardly, luckily) as well as a little clingy.  I'm just ready for a weekend with my baby girl.  I like and enjoy my job but I love my home life and  I cherish my weekends.  I can't change the fact that I work full time, but I can remember to take full advantage of every moment I have at home.   I see long walks, baking, and lots of playing in our next 2 days and I can't wait for it to start.

Loving to sit up.

Loving our bed time stories.

My sweet sweet girl.

Lunch time snuggles.
Contemplating world peace.

Ehh, I'll just chew on my pacie instead.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sitting Up

M is officially a sitter! She has been practicing for a month or so now, but she can officially hold her own for an extended period of time and is quite stable now.  She still falls to the side when she is done or straight back, and even though it scares me, she doesn't fuss. 

I've learned that with M she is just about a month behind when the books say she should be doing something.  I don't know if that's because we had to have unscheduled c-section at 37 weeks and she wasn't ready to come out or if that is just how she works, but that's her time frame and she doesn't let anyone tell her otherwise.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Weekend Recap

We had a lovely fall weekend at our house.  Friday night my in laws got into town and we headed straight to the Hubby's homecoming game.  I always forget how much I enjoy going until I'm there. Sadly the game was during M's bed time, so she slept in my lap for the second quarter and we made our way home after half time.

Me and my baby girl trying to stay warm- it was pretty chilly once the sun went down.

Goofy faces.

The rest of the weekend was spent doing some projects around the house.  My father in law paved the side of our driveway for us and it was greatly appreciated.  It was one of those projects that was on the list to do but other things always pushed it down.  Sunday we planted some mums and finished some miscellaneous projects that needed to be accomplished.  All in all a wonderful weekend with my family.  I am so grateful for this stage of our lives and try not to take one minute of it for granted.

Guess who is turning 7 months old this Saturday! I can't even believe it!

Before Daddy's Game!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pinterest Project #1

I might have a slight addiction to Pinterest- just ask my hubby.  Its the perfect app for those nursing sessions.  However I pin all of these inspirations and ideas, but had not gotten around to actually doing anything with them.  I decided it was time to tackle a few projects, so up first was a Halloween wreath.

I'm pretty positive I'm going to exchange the ribbon for an orange satin or purple satin as those are my Halloween colors this year, but sadly my local Hob Lob did not have any this weekend.

Original wreath and inspiration, found here.