Sunday, June 26, 2011

Football in June

What a weekend we have had.  Brent's dad and nephew came into town this weekend for the All Star game.  Tyler was the official "ball boy" and had a blast.  It was 100 degrees and not a cloud to be found.  Madison and I were late to the game, and by half time the hubby escorted us up to the Press Box because it was too hot for the baby girl even with the handheld fans and umbrella. :( I should have known it was not a good idea, but once we were back in the AC all was good.

Grandpa and Madison in the Press Box
Although it was great to be watching football again, with all the practices and long nights I got a glimpse of what this Fall will be like- bathing Madison and our bed time ritual by myself as well as going back to dinners alone.  I'm used to being a football widow, but being a football single momma will be a little harder.  August can wait a little longer.

This is the real life of a coach's wife: dinners with the compie

Tyler has had so much fun he decided to stay a bit longer and is now flying back on Thursday!  We are so excited because we normally don't get to see him more than twice a year.  So the boys will have a great time hanging out this week- Six flags, Transformers III and swims in the pool are all in the plan.

Cousin Time

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