Thursday, June 16, 2011

12 Weeks of Baby

I have been so blessed to spend 13 whole weeks at home with my baby girl.  I tried to take advantage of every day with her and soak it all up- reason for no blog posts.  Sadly, our lifestyle relies on a dual income at this point in time.  While the hubby is a fabulous football coach we aren’t quite pro yet.

Last Wednesday was my first (half) week back to work from maternity leave.  Returning to work was most definitely one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life- harder than my c-section. Luckily baby girl is at home with the hubby for two months before 2 A Days start in August.  She might have to join him for a little film watching this summer, but that just makes for good daddy/baby bonding.

As a mom you feel obligated to be the one there for your child day in and day out and you want to do it.  I have all these crazy thoughts, like: “will she forget me?”,  “will she think I don’t love her anymore?” But I will say the second I get home, she gives me a big smile and we “talk” the whole night.  I know I’m the mommy and will always be the mommy, but it doesn’t make it much easier.

There are so many ladies out there in the blog world that have the great role of stay at home mom or work from home mom and not so many of the working mom.  Probably because its hard to sit down and write after a long day of work; we just want to soak up all the baby love while we are home.

Do you think this baby forgets me during the day?

I don't think so!

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