Friday, August 30, 2013

Where to Begin

So much has obviously happened since I last posted, most importantly the birth of our beautiful baby girl C.  I will attempt to play catch up as I begin blogging again, but I still start from the current and work my way back, with one exception: Documenting the day Baby C came in to our lives.

This summer has been a whirlwind and I can not even believe I return to the office after this holiday weekend.

I'm not ready.

I honestly do not remember a time that I did not want to be a wife and mom.  This is the role in my life that completes me and the fact that I leave every day to work is heart breaking.  My only saving grace is I love my company, my job and the people I work with.  Like with M, my maternity leave has come and gone too quickly.  I have enjoyed these 12 weeks of pretending to be a stay at home mom and have attempted to soak in every minute.

So, that is my reason for picking blogging back up.  It's not for any reason other than to try and hold on to the memories that go by too quickly.  Looking back through older posts I found comfort in remembering things I had already forgotten about M and I really want to have that for baby C.

So it may not be consistent or even weekly, because let's face it- my life is even crazier than before, but I will do my best to keep up with these memories for my family.

I leave you with the Hugg family's newest addition.  

Baby Charlotte

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