Friday, April 20, 2012

Counting Down the Days

Until we are headed to the beach!  It must be the weather and the fact that I have not had more than a long weekend off since my maternity leave, but I am very anxious for our summer trip!  So anxious in fact, I have already started my packing list!  I can not wait to take M to the beach for the first time and to see her reaction to the sand and waves.   She is an outside girl that loves to play in the water, so I think she will just love this trip.  She is pretty excited too, because just the other day she was begging to try on her new swimsuit. 

The hubby and I have been working hard to loose the baby weight and so far doing well.  Let's just hope another 10 lb loss is in my near future, so I can sport my swimsuit in comfort!  I'm feeling confident I can make it happen!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our Newest Puppy

My child likes to find dirty socks and crawl around with them in her mouth...... She is an odd bird at times!

 A little blurry but you get the point!

Trying to keep the blog alive- but I have so little time at this point of my life.